Bellaire FFA
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Mr. Pacia

Class schedule:

1st:  Principles of AFNR
2nd: Principles of AFNR
3rd: Livestock Production
4th: Advanced Animal Science 
5th: Principles of AFNR
6th: Principles of AFNR
7th: Conference/Barn

Grading Schedule:

55% Majors -- Major Exams, Advanced Lab Reports, Special Projects, Etc.

NOTE: Testing Day for CTE-AGR is FRIDAY's

45% Daily -- Quizzes, Homework, Minor Lab Reports, Daily Assignments

Retake Policy


Retake Purpose:

The purpose and intent of the policy is to provide each student with an additional opportunity to show mastery of the content. The opportunity for a student to retake a major grade applies to a score less than 70 out of 100. If a student is absent, he or she will still have the opportunity to have a retake for a make-up exam.

Alternative Major Grades:

Projects, labs, essays, other long term assignments, etc. are subject to teacher discretion for

retake approval. For this type of assignment the eligibility for a retake should be communicated in writing before the assignment is given.


The following will apply: (student initiated process)

1. All students in AP/IB, Pre-AP, College Prep, and Academic classes in all content areas will have the opportunity to retake one major grade per grading cycle in each class. Retake opportunities are not available in Dual Credit classes.

2. The student must submit the completed retake request form to his or her teacher within one week of the grade being posted on PowerSchool or HISD Connect? . In turn, the teacher will inform the student whether or not he or she is eligible for the retake, per PLC policy. The teacher will notify the student of the time and location of the retake.

3. The retake must be of similar length and subject matter as the original test.

4. A PLC or department may decide to schedule all retakes at a specific time (before or after school or at lunch) and in a single location.

5. The student is expected to complete one or more of the following prior to the retake as determined by consistent PLC policy: (1) attend at least one tutorial, (2) have submitted

any missing work for that grading cycle, (3) and/or completed test corrections.

6. If a student is caught cheating on a major grade, then he or she may not request a retake for that major grade. Per the HISD Code of Conduct, plagiarism is considered cheating.

7. All semester final exams are ineligible for a retake. Students who abuse the current retake policy will be subject to administrative review. This review will be initiated by the teacher and referred to an assistant principal.

Absences: It is the students responsibility to make up work that is missed due to absences whether the absence is extra-curricular related or non extra-curricular related. 

Contact Information:

**Conferences available with a prior scheduled date/time during my conference period(s). Special requests may be available with prior scheduled date/time during lunch or before/after school.**

Class Requirements:
Bring daily- your charged laptop, a writing utensil (pen/pencil), a spiral or composition book for taking notes, colored pencils/markers/crayons 


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